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Best Pet Insurance Colorado

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Pet insurance can help you save money when it comes to the medical care of your pet. It can save you thousands of dollars in vet bills during the lifetime of your pet. It gives you peace-of-mind knowing you can access veterinary services for the lowest prices.

Best Pet Insurance Colorado

If you have a pet for the first time or are looking to upgrade, it is important to get the right policy that fits your budget and meets your needs. To help you do this, we compared pet insurance providers in Colorado to see which ones offer the best options for your pet's unique situation.

Lemonade has been rated as the best Colorado pet insurance. Lemonade offers a simple claims process, customizable payout rates, and annual coverage limits. It's also one of the few companies that allows you to choose per-condition coverage limits rather than annual limits, so you can keep a set amount for all of your pet's insurance with no deductible.

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Add-ons such as cancer treatment, emergency boarding and kennel charges can be added to your policy. Some plans provide unlimited coverage, so you don't have to pay for vet bills once your deductible has been met.

You can lower your premiums by choosing an insurer who offers an annual deductible of $50 for every year that you do not file a claim. This yearly deductible can be used to offset your entire annual cost or part of it, allowing you to save money each month.

Accident-only insurance plan: If you want a basic insurance plan, an accident-only policy will cover everything from hospitalization and surgery to radiology and bite wounds. This type of plan is often less expensive than an accident and illness plan, which usually offers more comprehensive coverage for things like general health, hereditary conditions, cancer, and more.

Essential plan: If you want the most comprehensive protection, an essential plan is a good option because it includes all of the benefits of an accident-only plan but adds cancer treatments, congenital defects and hereditary conditions to the mix. Also, you can purchase a wellness package that covers things such as prescriptions food and medication, vaccinations or congenital defects.

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Healthy Paws has a number of different plans, including an accident-only, essential and top tier. The accident-only policy can be as cheap as $10 a monthly and include things such as alternative therapies, bit wounds, broken bone, hospitalization and radiology.

Figo's accident-only and essential plans are a great choice for people who need coverage quickly. Figo offers accident-only coverage and essential pet insurance with a 24 hour waiting period. This is faster than the other options available in this state. Also included is an Extra Pack which includes end-oflife expenses, cancellation fees for vacations, liability coverage against third party property damage, and much more.

The cost of pet insurance in Colorado can vary greatly depending on the age, breed and location of your dog. Insurance can become more costly for some dogs and cat breeds because of their higher likelihood to need veterinary care. Some insurers also charge higher rates for older pets while others have different premiums for certain breeds of dog and cat.


Best Pet Insurance Colorado