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How to Cancel your Pet's Best Insurance Coverage

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Having a pet insurance policy is a great way to ensure your furry friend gets the care they need when they're sick or injured. You should know how you can cancel your pet insurance policy.

Cancel your Coverage

To cancel your pets best insurance, visit the company's website and submit a cancellation form with a reason for cancelling your plan. Once you have provided this information to the company, it will cancel your insurance plan.

Cancel your coverage before waiting period ends

Many pet insurance providers have waiting intervals that begin following the policy's start date. These waiting periods are designed to prevent owners from filing claims if their pet is enrolled before a condition covered by the policy has been diagnosed.

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For accident and illness insurance (available through insurers like Embrace Figo Lemonade Toto, Pets Best, and Figo), the shortest waiting period is two or three business days. In most states, cruciate issues require a six-month wait.

In addition, certain insurance providers impose waiting periods for specific ailments like hereditary or congenital disorders. If you take your pet to a veterinarian and they determine that there is no risk for pre-existing conditions, then these waiting periods can be waived.

No age limits

Pets Best does not have an age limit on their policies. You can insure your cat or dog as early as 7 weeks of age. The company offers a free 30-day look period, so you can test out the plan before making your decision.

Customer Service

We hear a lot about the lack of customer service from pet insurance companies. Pets Best's live chat feature is a great way to help the company better serve customers. This is a smart move, as it will reduce the number complaints about abandoning sites and increase conversions online.

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It also offers a variety of features to make using the insurance easier for pet owners. There are also veterinary pay direct and a portal for members that allows them to easily track their claims, deductibles, reimbursements and more.

Vet Direct Payment

Pets Best offers a unique veterinary direct-pay program. It allows you, unlike other pet insurance providers, to directly reimburse the veterinarian for the services they provide to your pet. This feature will reduce your costs as you won't have to pay for the bill and wait until reimbursement.

Your Reimbursement Quantity

Select an annual benefit cap, an annual deductible, and the percentage of your vet bill that you want reimbursed every time you make a claim. The member center portal allows you to track the status of your claim and receive a check, or direct deposit within two days.


How to Cancel your Pet's Best Insurance Coverage