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Average Home Insurance Cost - Factors That Affect the Cost of Homeowners Insurance

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There are many factors that influence home insurance costs. These include the home's age, the amount of coverage for the dwelling, and the history of any claims. This article provides a comparison of the prices of several common home insurance policies. Surprised to find out that certain companies charge more than others?

Price of a standard homeowners insurance policy

There are many factors that influence the cost of standard homeowners insurance. One factor is the maximum dwelling coverage. The premiums will increase if you have a higher dwelling coverage limit. Insurers recommend that homeowners get the minimum coverage, then adding additional coverage. While the main factor in determining the cost of homeowners' insurance policy is its coverage limits, there are many other factors that could affect your premiums.

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Age of a Home

Home insurance costs are affected by the age of a house. Older homes have higher risk. Older homes are more susceptible to HVAC and fire problems. Also, older homes are more difficult to maintain. These factors are important to consider when choosing the right home-insurance policy.

History of Claims

Your home insurance cost can be affected by how frequent you make claims. Insurance companies typically keep claims on file for at least three years. Then, they track them from policy-to-policy. Claims from previous owners can be included in your claim history report. It is possible to reduce your annual insurance premiums by making no claims and preventing damage from being caused by severe weather. Other factors that can affect the cost of your home insurance policy include the type and age of your roof, your proximity to a fire department, and the number of pets you have.

It is important to choose the right location for your home.

The location of a home can have a profound impact on home insurance rates. Your rates will change if you live in the middle or near the coast, in an area with high mountainous terrain, or on the edge of the city. The amount of coverage you need will depend on your location and the natural hazards or population. Insurance companies also take into account the likelihood of a claim for similar homes in the area.

Building codes

Your home's insurance costs can be greatly affected by the code you use. Code upgrades can be expensive for older homes. They can run upwards to $5 per square foot depending on the age of your house. If you aren't sure if your code upgrades coverage is covered by your insurance, consult your agent.

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Cost to rebuild a home

The cost of rebuilding a home will be based on a few different factors. One factor is the square footage of the home. Homes that are larger than others will require more construction. This makes it more expensive to rebuild a home.


Average Home Insurance Cost - Factors That Affect the Cost of Homeowners Insurance