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Affordable Health Insurance – Maryland

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Maryland health insurance is expensive, especially for those who do not qualify for low-cost plans. To find the most affordable plan for you, it is important to compare prices.

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If you qualify for Medicaid, or any other state-run health insurance program in Maryland, you will be able to get affordable health insurance. Medicaid is a program that's available to more than 1.5 million Marylanders. This includes children, seniors, people with disabilities, and many others.

You can also purchase health insurance through your employer if they offer benefits. It is possible to reduce monthly premiums by selecting a plan that has a higher deductible. However, it's best to shop around for the best deal.

Consider your family's and individual medical needs when shopping for a policy. If you plan to receive a great deal of medical attention throughout the year you may want to consider a metal-tiered plan with lower out-ofpocket maximums and deductibles.

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Look into cheaper health insurance if your income is very low and you can't pay a full deductable. These policies will help you to manage your expenses and can cover hospitalizations, routine doctor visits, prescription medications, vision and other dental services and more.

The Affordable Care act has changed the way insurers price plans. The Affordable Care Act prohibits insurers from charging more for your health, or gender. This can lower the cost of premiums.

Maryland has a variety of affordable health insurance options, ranging from government-sponsored plans at low cost to private options. The best way to get the right coverage for your health and budget is to compare options using our search tool.

You can still get coverage if you do not have a company plan. Maryland Individual Marketplace is a place where you can compare health insurance and apply to receive tax credits.

Maryland's Health Connection is the official exchange for health insurance in the state. Those who are eligible for Medicaid and other state-run programs may enroll in an insurance policy. These plans can be purchased through the website, over the phone or in person.

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You can find a complete list of health insurance plans in your area along with the monthly premiums, deductibles, and other details. You can also check if you qualify for financial aid through Maryland Health Connector. This nonprofit helps low-income families and individuals with health insurance.

Additionally, you may want to purchase a temporary health insurance plan in order for you to bridge a coverage gap. These policies are designed to cover major medical expenses such as an accident or illness. They are not a solution to comprehensive health insurance.


Affordable Health Insurance – Maryland